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Doomsday Script reference guide

This article describes the Doomsday Script language and its role in Doomsday 2.


Doomsday Script is a scripting language with features such as a class-based object system, and exceptions. It is designed to harmoniously work together with Doomsday�39;s native code and objects.

Scripting is used for several things internally, for example managing engine configuration and controlling 3D model asset animation. Doomsday Script is not a compiled language and thus is not intended for high-performance or time-critical tasks. Game plugins, for instance, should be written in native code.

Below is an example of the syntax:

def exampleFunc(a)
    if a
        return "It is true!"
        return "Nay, it is false."
print exampleFunc(True)

The syntax is heavily influenced by Python and Ruby, with a few notable differences:

  • Unlike Python, the amount of indentation whitespace has no special meaning.
  • Compounds are explicitly closed with end.
  • A colon (:) always indicates a single-line compound that does not need to be closed:
    def func2(): return �39;World�39;
  • Objects are weakly typed: they may have one or more superclass objects that provide common members, but otherwise there is no type safety or checking. Objects are called Records and they represent native de::Record instances:
    record myrec
    myrec.newMember = 100
  • There are only modifiable arrays. Non-modifiable tuples are not supported:
    array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    array[1] = 100
    # array is now [1, 100, 3, 4]
  • There are a couple of special assignment operators. Global assignment (:=) will assign into variables in parent scopes if no local variable with the given name is found. Weak assignment (?=) will only assign a value if a variable has not yet been created.


Feature walkthrough

The following pages walk though the features of Doomsday Script with brief code snippets:


These larger examples may be examined to get a better feel of what Doomsday Script is like in practice. (Spoiler alert: Very much like Python.)

Using Doomsday Script

Editor support

Language reference

See the Language reference for information about the syntax, and built-in functions and modules.

script/reference.txt · Last modified: 2020-11-12 15:29 by skyjake