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Line teleport (XG class)

Class = line_teleport

Used to teleport activators of lines of this class to a relative position along another line in the map. This is commonly used to create seamless teleports in maps which attempt to give the impression of 3D structures.


Prm Name Type Meaning
Ip0, Ip1 Target Ref, Target Num lref, lrefd Reference to the line to teleport the activator to.
Ip2 No Flash integer If true (non-zero), the teleport flash and any associated effects will not be used.
Ip3 Teleport Sound soundid The sound to play when teleporting or if zero; no sound will be played.
Ip4 Exit Side integer If true (non-zero), the activator will exit from the back side of the referenced line. Else, the activator will exit from the front.
Ip5 Always Stomp integer If true (non-zero), if there is another mobj in the teleport destination it will be stomped (telefragged) by the activator.


Line Type {
    ID = 5020
    Flags = player_cross
    Flags2 = when_act | any
    Class = line_teleport
    Type = timed_off
    Count = -1
    Target Ref = "lref_index"
    Target Num = 123
    No Flash = 1
    Teleport Sound = 0
    Exit Side = 0
    Always Stomp = 1

The line is activated when the player crosses it. On activation, the player will be teleported to the front side of line number 123. No teleport effects will be rendered and there will be no teleport sound. If there are any mobjs at the teleport destination, they will be telefragged.

xg/class/line_teleport.txt · Last modified: 2017-03-17 10:19 by skyjake