Player's weapon disappears after completing a map and beginning another.
Kill, item, and secret counts during (co-op) intermission: the server was not sending the map's total kill, item and secret counts, which meant the client was unable to calculate the proper statistics.
Assign the first start spot to the first client (player number 1), instead of player number 0 like in single-player games.
Sounds emitted by wall surfaces (e.g., when triggering a switch). The network protocol was updated to include a new type of message for these sounds (making old clients incompatible with new servers).
Client's view color filter is appropriately cleared when connecting to a server.
Heretic|Hexen: Torch powerup is now rendered correctly on the client.
Heretic|Hexen: Status bar life gem colors did not match the actual player colors.
Heretic: Activating the Wings of Wrath in multiplayer did not cause player to raise into air.
Hexen: Client was not notified when a key was picked up; status bar not updated on client-side.
Hexen: When server restores a player's weapons during respawn, it will now inform the client of the newly activated weapon. Previously the client displayed the incorrect weapon.
Hexen: Some of Cleric's and Mage's weapon effects were being duplicated on client.
Hexen: Sound sequences were not being played (e.g., door creak, moving platforms).
Hexen: Added values.ded, with values defined for the amount of mana to be given to players when they respawn in multiplayer games.
Unix: File paths are processed so that Windows path separators are changed to Doomsday's internal separators. Fixes issues locating files inside resource packs.
Load configured initial language before setting up UI.
Retranslate list box columns when language changes.
New features and changes
Any transition from busy mode (e.g., loading a map) to gameplay no longer forces game time to be frozen. Instead, the game-pause-mapstart-tics variable controls how long the game is paused at the start of a map (by default, in Doom, it matches the busy mode transition effect's duration).
Increased maximum number of sound channels to 256 (from 64), e.g., sfxchan 256.
id Tech 1 texture/flat animations are interpreted as animated material layer stages (rather than sequences of single-frame materials).
Context specific animation states, allowing multiple versions of a material to animate independently (e.g., despite the game being paused, the version of a material used for UI displays will continue).
Stage animation mechanism for light decorations that works independently from layer stages (allowing each decoration to be animated with it's own timing).