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Configuration file syntax

This page presents the EBNF syntax definition of snowberry_configuration_files.

config-file ::= { S element } S

element ::= list | block

key ::= value-key

row-key ::= identifier S “:” S row

row ::= { ascii-character } “\n”

value-key ::= identifier S “=” S value { S value }

value ::= string

string ::= “\”“ { ascii-character } “\””

token ::= { ascii-character, but not S nor E }

list ::= identifier S “<” S valuelist S “>”

valuelist ::= value { S “,” S value }

block ::= blocktype S identifier S { identifier S value S } blockcontents

blocktype ::= token

blockcontents ::= “(” { S element } S “)”

identifier ::= token

S ::= “\t” | “\n” } *whitespace*

E ::= “=” | “(” | “)” | “<” | “>” | “,” *separator*

snowberry/configuration_file_syntax.txt · Last modified: 2017-03-19 19:48 by skyjake