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Wall material (XG class)

Class = wall_material

Changes the material of the referenced lines.


Prm Name Type Meaning
Ip0,Ip1 Target Ref,Target Num lref Reference to one or more lines.
Ip2 Side Num Integer Zero or one. Specifies the line side to modify. Side zero is the front side.
Ip3 Top Texture Texture Name of the new upper texture. If not specified, the upper textures of the lines won't be affected.
Ip4 Middle Texture Texture Name of the new middle texture. If not specified, the middle textures of the lines won't be affected.
Ip5 Bottom Texture Texture Name of the new lower texture. If not specified, the lower textures of the lines won't be affected.
Ip6 Set Mid If None Integer If non-zero and Middle Texture (Ip4) is specified - a middle texture will be added to the referenced lines if one wasn't present before. Else, no change will be made.
Ip7 Sidedef Flags Flags * sdf_fade_top_mid: Surface colors, fade the top → middle surface colors. * sdf_fade_mid_top: * sdf_fade_mid_bottom: * sdf_fade_bottom_mid:
Ip8 Middle Blendmode blendmode Set the blendmode on the middle texture for the referenced sides.
Ip9 Top Red Delta Integer Offset to the red component of top surface color [0255].
Ip10 Top Green Delta Integer Offset to the green component of top surface color [0255].
Ip11 Top Blue Delta Integer Offset to the blue component of top surface color [0255].
Ip12 Middle Red Delta Integer Offset to the red component of middle surface color [0255].
Ip13 Middle Green Delta Integer Offset to the green component of middle surface color [0255].
Ip14 Middle Blue Delta Integer Offset to the blue component of middle surface color [0255].
Ip15 Middle Alpha Delta Integer Offset to the alpha component of middle surface color [0255].
Ip16 Bottom Red Delta Integer Offset to the red component of Bottom surface color [0255].
Ip17 Bottom Green Delta Integer Offset to the green component of Bottom surface color [0255].
Ip18 Bottom Blue Delta Integer Offset to the blue component of Bottom surface color [0255].


Line Type {
    ID = 5001
    Comment = "Set front mid material alpha to 50%"
    Flags = player_cross
    Flags2 = when_act | any
    Class = wall_material
    Type = timed_off
    Count = 1
    Time = 1
    Target Ref = line_tagged
    Side = 0
    Middle Alpha Delta = 128

The line is triggered when the player crosses the line (Flags = player_cross). The line is active in any skill mode and any game type (Flags2 = any) and the line carries out it's action when active (Flags2 = when_act). When activated, all lines with the same tag as the crossed line which have a middle material will have its opacity set to 128 (50% opacity).

xg/class/wall_material.txt · Last modified: 2019-11-26 08:54 by skyjake