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Version 1.9.0-beta6.9

9th patch release for Beta 6.

Source GitHub

Known issues

  • Multiplayer games are not fully operational. The stable version 1.8.6 is recommended for multiplayer games at this time.
  • Demo recording/playback is not functional. Demo support will return in a future release.
  • HOM is visible momentarily between the end of the intermission and the beginning of a before map briefing.



Common code library


All games

  • Turn speed did not consider “always-run”.
  • Do not animate the view window when first entering a map.
  • During an autostart the screen was not cleared after completing initial startup before beginning the load sequence, resulting in “color smearing”.
  • On entering a map after having left a previous one, the player�39;s HUD weapon would be visible briefly before raising from the lowered position as expected.
  • Climbing a step into a teleporter results in the player squating briefly after teleportation.
  • “General: Mobjs overlapping more than one sector”.
  • Look pitch multiplier changed according to the walk/run speed modifier. In the original games this multiplier is fixed.






  • Changed cvar rend-dev-mobj-bbox Draw bounding boxes for all mobjs, not just those which are sector-linked.
  • Changed default mipmapping filter to linear filter, linear mip (GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR).

All games

  • On selecting Quit from the main menu the screen now gradually fades to black while the quit sound plays (if enabled) before exit.


  • Removed three unused sound identifiers that are not present in the original game: wsplash nsplash blurb
  • Added a new sound identifier “secret” to be played upon the player locating a secret area. The same sound is still played by default but the new identifier allows modders to change them independently.


  • Items picked up by the player during map setup will not produce item-pickup sounds or screenflashes. Pickup messages will be added to the log as normal.
  • Added a new sound identifier “secret” to be played upon the player locating a secret area. The same sound is still played by default but the new identifier allows modders to change them independently.


  • Removed fixed limit MAX_ACS_STORE. At most, twenty deferred action script starts could be in affect at any given time.
  • It is now possible to warp using the console if a game has not yet been started. In this instance a new game is initiated using the default skill and player class.

New features


  • Added a plugin hook that gets called during every run of the game loop (HOOK_TICKER). The length of the current tick is passed in the data argument as a pointer to timespan_t (i.e., double*).
  • Transition effects. When busy mode ends a transition effect may be drawn to blend between the screen shown whilst busy and the destination frame. Implemented three effects: 1) basic crossfade 2) Smoothed DOOM screenwipe 3) DOOM screenwipe. jDoom uses the smoothed DOOM screenwipe by default. Other games use crossfade.
  • cvar con-transition Transition effect used when leaving busy mode: 0=Crossfade, 1=DOOM (smooth), 2=DOOM
  • cvar con-transition-tics Duration of transition effect in tics. 0= Disabled.
  • Smoothing of per-linedef angle lightlevel deltas. Approximated rounded surfaces are lit more realistically when using the sector lighting model. Default value for rend-light-wall-angle is now 1.2f as the new smoothing makes this less noticeable.
  • cvar rend-light-wall-angle-smooth 1= Enable wall angle lightlevel delta smoothing (enabled by default).
  • cvar rend-dev-polyobj-bbox 1= Render polyobj bounding boxes (for debug).


version/1.9.0-beta6.9.txt · Last modified: 2017-03-23 06:48 by skyjake