“Mus_Start: Couldn't open dd-buffered-song for writing” A simple file rotation scheme was implemented to avoid potential file locking issues that could occur if the engine attempted a write before the music playback interface had released the buffered music file. Sycraft's v4 remix was used for test purposes and MP3 playback is once again working as expected when using the default audio plugin; SDL_mixer http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2837486&group_id=74815&atid=542099
Ignore all lumps smaller than eight bytes when building the sprite table during startup. Mods such as 22ventry.zip are now playable (thanks go to entryway and the prboom-plus changelog for the tip off).
Model particles not drawn.
Minor issues with tracking players entering/leaving the void.
Line specials triggered by line attacks could be activated if used on onesided linedefs and hitting them from the wrong side. For example, shooting at switches from behind (when in the void).
“After” in_fine scripts are now executed after any intermission rather than before it.
All games
It is now possible to use line attacks from outside the map (in the void) to hit targets within.
Amended in-menu label for compatibility option “PE LIMITED TO 20 LOST SOULS” to “PE LIMITED TO 21 LOST SOULS”.
Using the ccmdgive it is now possible to give a batch of the specified inventory items. For example, to give only Firebombs and Morph Ovums use the command “give i7i8”.
New features
Added map_info_ded_ flag mif_nointermission; upon leaving the map skip the intermission.