User Guide
Quick Reference
User Guide
Quick Reference
A multiplayer server is an instance of doomsday-server running as a background process.
This page focuses on starting and running a server via the command line. For a GUI approach, see Running a server using the Shell.
. While the game will 'work' with differing wad files, differences in geometry can have players spawning outside the map or in walls etc.Best thing to do is to set up a .cfg file where you set all the suitable console variables for the server. Things you will need…
In the “autoexec.cfg” put the lines below:
net-ip-port 13209 server-game-deathmatch 1 server-game-nomonsters 1 server-name "Dew's Deathmatch game!" server-info "Come join my game" server-player-limit 8 server-public 1 setmap 1 1
Note: server-public 1
makes the server visible to all on the master server.
To find all variables and commands containing the word “server”, you can use the command:
apropos server
Below is a brief list of supported variables:
server-game-jump = 1 server-game-map = 0 server-game-mapcycle = "T:10 12* 11 17 18 19" server-game-mapcycle-noexit = 1 server-game-mod-damage = 1 server-game-mod-gravity = -1 server-game-mod-health = 1 server-game-monster-meleeattack-nomaxz = 0 server-game-nobfg = 0 server-game-nomonsters = 1 server-game-noteamdamage = 0 server-game-radiusattack-nomaxz = 0 server-game-respawn = 0 server-game-respawn-monsters-nightmare = 1 server-game-skill = 3 server-info = "come join my game" server-latencies = 0 server-name = "Example's deathmatch game" server-password = "" server-player-limit = 6 server-public = 1 net-dev = 0 net-ip-address = "" net-ip-port = 13209 net-master-address = "" net-master-path = "/master.php" net-master-port = 13209 net-name = "" net-nosleep = 0 net-queue-show = 0 game-fastmonsters = 0
The best way to run a server on your desktop is to use the shell. You can specify the location of your autoexec.cfg using the command line option:
-p some/path/autoexec.cfg
doomsday-server is intended to be run as a background process and has no UI of its own. While you can start it manually in a terminal, controlling the server is only possible using the Shell.
In Unix, please refer to the manual page doomsday-server(6) for more information.
Brief instructions:
) port number. The default port number is 13209.setmap
(in autoexec.cfg).Example:
doomsday-server -game doom2 -iwad ~/games/doom/DOOM2.WAD \
-file ~/games/doom/dwango5.wad -p ~/.doomsday/conf/autoexec.cfg
If you're using Docker, you may prefer hosting a Doomsday server in a container. For more information, see: ecliptik/doomsday (GitHub).
Set up a mapcycle:
server-game-mapcycle "T:10 1* 11 17 18 19"
See map cycling for a description of the syntax.
Start the cycle:
Stop the cycle: