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xg:class:wall_material [2011-05-15 17:27] – external edit [2019-11-26 08:54] (current) skyjake
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 +====== Wall material (XG class) ======
 +  Class = wall_material
 +Changes the [[material]] of the referenced lines.
 +===== Parameters =====
 +^ Prm^ Name^ Type^ Meaning |
 +| Ip0,Ip1| Target Ref,Target Num| [[xg:refs:lref]] | Reference to one or more lines. |
 +| Ip2| Side Num| Integer| Zero or one. Specifies the line side to modify. Side zero is the front side. |
 +| Ip3| Top Texture| Texture| Name of the new upper texture. If not specified, the upper textures of the lines won't be affected. |
 +| Ip4| Middle Texture| Texture| Name of the new middle texture. If not specified, the middle textures of the lines won't be affected. |
 +| Ip5| Bottom Texture| Texture| Name of the new lower texture. If not specified, the lower textures of the lines won't be affected. |
 +| Ip6| Set Mid If None| Integer| If non-zero and Middle Texture (Ip4) is specified - a middle texture will be added to the referenced lines if one wasn't present before. Else, no change will be made. |
 +| Ip7| Sidedef Flags| Flags| *  sdf_fade_top_mid: Surface colors, fade the top → middle surface colors.  *  sdf_fade_mid_top:  *  sdf_fade_mid_bottom:  *  sdf_fade_bottom_mid: |
 +| Ip8| Middle Blendmode| [[blendmode]]| Set the blendmode on the middle texture for the referenced sides. |
 +| Ip9| Top Red Delta| Integer| Offset to the red component of top surface color [0...255]. |
 +| Ip10| Top Green Delta| Integer| Offset to the green component of top surface color [0...255]. |
 +| Ip11| Top Blue Delta| Integer| Offset to the blue component of top surface color [0...255]. |
 +| Ip12| Middle Red Delta| Integer| Offset to the red component of middle surface color [0...255]. |
 +| Ip13| Middle Green Delta| Integer| Offset to the green component of middle surface color [0...255]. |
 +| Ip14| Middle Blue Delta| Integer| Offset to the blue component of middle surface color [0...255]. |
 +| Ip15| Middle Alpha Delta| Integer| Offset to the alpha component of middle surface color [0...255]. |
 +| Ip16| Bottom Red Delta| Integer| Offset to the red component of Bottom surface color [0...255]. |
 +| Ip17| Bottom Green Delta| Integer| Offset to the green component of Bottom surface color [0...255]. |
 +| Ip18| Bottom Blue Delta| Integer| Offset to the blue component of Bottom surface color [0...255]. |
 +===== Example =====
 +  Line Type {
 +      ID = 5001
 +      Comment = "Set front mid material alpha to 50%"
 +      Flags = player_cross
 +      Flags2 = when_act | any
 +      Class = wall_material
 +      Type = timed_off
 +      Count = 1
 +      Time = 1
 +      Target Ref = line_tagged
 +      Side = 0
 +      Middle Alpha Delta = 128
 +  }
 +The line is triggered when the player crosses the line (Flags = player_cross). The line is active in any skill mode and any game type (Flags2 = any) and the line carries out it's action when active (Flags2 = when_act). When activated, all lines with the same tag as the crossed line which have a middle material will have its opacity set to 128 (50% opacity).