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script:walkthrough:operator_expressions [2017-03-13 18:08] skyjakescript:walkthrough:operator_expressions [2019-11-20 10:24] (current) skyjake
Line 1: Line 1:
 +<- Basic expressions ^ ^ Statements and compounds ->
 +====== Operator expressions ======
 +===== Addition =====
 +  $ print 'Numbers:', 1 + 1, -.5 + .5
 +  Numbers: 2 0
 +  $ print 'Larger than 32-bit:', \
 +    0xffffffffff + 0xffffffffff
 +  Larger than 32-bit: 2.19902e+12
 +  $ print 'Text:', 'Hello' + 'World'
 +  Text: HelloWorld
 +  $ print 'Array:', [1, 2, 3] + ['a', 'b', 'c']
 +  Array: [ 1, 2, 3, a, b, c ]
 +  $ print 'Dictionary:', \
 +    {1:2, 3:4} + {'a':'b', 'c':'d'}
 +  Dictionary: { 1: 2, 3: 4, a: b, c: d }
 +  $ print 'Time:', Time() + 3600
 +  Time: 2019-11-19 22:56:53.514
 +===== Subtraction =====
 +  $ print 'Numbers:', 1 - 1, -.5 - .5
 +  Numbers: 0 -1
 +  $ print 'Larger than 32-bit:', 0xffffffffff - 0xffffffffff
 +  Larger than 32-bit: 0
 +  $ print 'Dictionary:', {'a':'A', 'b':'B'} - 'a'
 +  Dictionary: { b: B }
 +  $ print 'Time:', Time() - 3600, timedelta(Time(), Time() - 3600)
 +  Time: 2019-11-19 20:56:53.514 -3600
 +===== Multiplication =====
 +  $ print 'Numbers:', 1 * 2, 2.5 * 4, (2 + 6) * 45
 +  Numbers: 2 10 360
 +  $ print 'Text:', 'Word' * 3, 'Longword' * 3.5
 +  Text: WordWordWord LongwordLongwordLongwordLong
 +===== Division/concatenation =====
 +All numbers are internally floating point, so the result of integer division is not forced to be an integer.
 +  $ print 'Numbers:', 2 / 2, 10 / 4, 1 / 0
 +  Numbers: 1 2.5 inf
 +The ''/'' operator is also used for concatenating file paths. It automatically removes duplicate slashes at the end of a segment. 
 +  $ print 'Path concatenation:', \
 +      'folder' / 'filename.ext', \
 +      'folder/' / 'filename.ext'
 +  Path concatenation: folder/filename.ext folder/filename.ext
 +If the right-hand argument begins with a slash (absolute path), the left-hand argument is ignored as the absolute path overrides it.
 +  $ print 'Absolute:', 'base/path' / '/root/location'
 +  Absolute: /root/location
 +===== Modulo =====
 +Modulo converts number arguments to integers.
 +  $ print 'Numbers:', 7 % 3
 +  Numbers: 1
 +''%'' is also used for C-like formatted string interpolation. The right-hand argument can be a single value or an array of values.
 +  $ print '%s with "%3i" arguments. Hex %x, capital hex %X, float %f, precision %.10f.' % [
 +      'Formatted', 2, 240, 240, Pi, Pi]
 +  Formatted with "  2" arguments. Hex 0xf0, capital hex 0xF0, float 3.142, precision 3.1415926536.
 +  $ print 'Width and precision: "%10.5f"' % Pi
 +  Width and precision: "   3.14159"
 +===== Combined assignment operators =====
 +Combined assignment operators work on existing variables only. They are considered expressions, which means they can appear in arguments like in the example below.
 +  $ a = 1
 +  $ print 'a =', a += 3
 +  a = 4
 +  $ print 'a =', a -= 3
 +  a = 1
 +  $ print 'a =', a *= 100
 +  a = 100
 +  $ print 'a =', a /= 10
 +  a = 10
 +  $ print 'a =', a %= 3
 +  a = 1
 +  $ path = '/some/path/'
 +  $ print 'path =', path
 +  path = /some/path/
 +  $ print 'path =', path /= 'filename.ext'
 +  path = /some/path/filename.ext
 +===== Subscript =====
 +The subscript operator ''[]'' works on arrays and strings to extract  elements/characters.
 +  $ transports = ['planes', 'trains', 'automobiles', 'bicycles']
 +  $ print transports[2]
 +  automobiles
 +Negative indices are counted from the end of the array.
 +  $ print transports[-1]
 +  bicycles
 +The subscript operator is also used to access dictionaries by key.
 +  $ xlat = {'hi': 'hello', 'globe': 'world'}
 +  $ print xlat['hi'], xlat['globe']
 +  hello world
 +Arrays can be nested.
 +  $ matrix = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
 +  $ print 'Two-level indexing:', matrix[0][1], matrix[1][1]
 +  Two-level indexing: 2 4
 +  $ matrix2 = [matrix, matrix]
 +  $ print matrix2[1][1][0], 'from', matrix2
 +  3 from [ [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ], [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] ]
 +===== Slice =====
 +The slice operator is versatile tool for extracting a subset from an array or a text string. It takes a range of indices as argument. If the start of the slice range is omitted, the slice begins from the start of the array. Omitting the end of the range works similarly.
 +  $ fullArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
 +  $ print 'Sliced:', fullArray[2:4], fullArray[3:], fullArray[:3]
 +  Sliced: [ 3, 4 ] [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ] [ 1, 2, 3 ]
 +Slice arguments can be expressions.
 +  $ print fullArray[0:len(fullArray)]
 +  [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
 +The slice range may use negative indices, too.
 +  $ print 'Nega-sliced:', fullArray[-3:-1]
 +  Nega-sliced: [ 5, 6 ]
 +An optional third parameter can be provided to specify the step size within the slice range.
 +  $ print 'Stepping:', fullArray[::2], fullArray[1:6:2]
 +  Stepping: [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ] [ 2, 4, 6 ]
 +The step value can be negative to reverse the resulting slice.
 +  $ print 'Reverse slice:', fullArray[4:2:-1]
 +  Reverse slice: [ 5, 4 ]
 +The slice operator can therefore be used to easily reverse an array.
 +  $ print 'Reversing:', fullArray[::-1]
 +  [ 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
 +In addition to arrays, slices work on text strings as well.
 +  $ fullString = "abcdefg"
 +  $ print 'Sliced:', fullString[2:4], fullString[3:], fullString[:3]
 +  Sliced: cd defg abc
 +  $ print 'Nega-sliced:', fullString[-4:-2]
 +  Nega-sliced: de
 +  $ print 'Stepping:', fullString[::2], fullString[1:6:2]
 +  Stepping: aceg bdf
 +  $ print 'Reverse slice:', fullString[4:2:-1]
 +  Reverse slice: ed
 +  $ print 'Reversing:', fullString[::-1]
 +  Reversing: gfedcba
 +===== Logical operators =====
 +The ''not'' operator negates its argument.
 +  $ print not True
 +  False
 +  $ print not False
 +  True
 +A non-empty text string is considered a boolean truth, so negation yields False.
 +  $ print not 'Is this true?'
 +  False
 +''and'' and ''or'' perform the corresponding logical operations.
 +  $ print True and False
 +  False
 +  $ print True or False
 +  True
 +''and'' has higher precedence than ''or''.
 +  $ print True or True and False
 +  True
 +Early termination applies to both operators.
 +  # Helper function to see what gets evaluated.
 +  def showValue(a)
 +      print 'called with', a
 +      return a
 +  end
 +  $ showValue(True) and showValue(True)
 +  called with True
 +  called with True
 +  $ showValue(False) and showValue(True)
 +  called with False
 +  $ showValue(False) or showValue(True)
 +  called with False
 +  called with True
 +  $ showValue(True) or showValue(True)
 +  called with True
 +===== Comparison =====
 +The usual set of comparison operators is available.
 +  $ print 'Numbers:', 1 > 3, 1 < 3, 2 >= 2, 4 >= 2, \
 +          2 <= 2, 4 <= 2
 +  Numbers: False True True True True False
 +Text string comparison is case sensitive.
 +  $ print 'Text:', "hello" > "world", "hello" < "world", \
 +          'hello' == 'hello'
 +  Text: False True True
 +  $ print 'True/False:', True == True, True != False
 +  True/False: True True
 +With arrays, the comparison is done for each element starting from the first one, until a difference is found.
 +  $ print 'Arrays:', [1, 0] == [1, 0], [1, 0] < [1, 1], [1, 0] > [1, 1], [2, 0] > [1, 0], [2, 0] < [1, 0]
 +  Arrays: True True False True False
 +Arrays of different lengths are compared solely based on the lengths.
 +  $ print [100] < [1, 2]
 +  True
 +===== Membership =====
 +The ''in'' operator checks whether the left-hand operand can be found within the right-hand operand.
 +  $ transports = ['planes', 'trains', 'automobiles', 'bicycles']
 +  $ print 'bicycles' in transports
 +  True
 +  $ print 'jet' in transports
 +  False
 +''in'' also works for text strings and dictionary keys.
 +  $ print 'x' in 'abc'
 +  False
 +  $ print 'b' in {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
 +  True
script/walkthrough/operator_expressions.txt · Last modified: 2019-11-20 10:24 by skyjake