Fulltext results:
- 1.9.0-beta6
- tures/flats/patches/model skins not affected by [[rend-tex-gamma]]. * Drawing Models whose skin is determ... they are sent to the render lists. * Changed [[rend-tex-gamma]]: [[cvar]] Now accepts a floating point va... a]]: [[ccmd]] Is now obsolete, instead use cvar [[rend-tex-gamma]] for changing texture gamma. * Revised ... relative to display resolution and using the HUD scale multiplier (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=542099&aid=1533383&group_id=74815). * Rem
- detailed_list_of_changes_in_doomsday_version_1.9.7
- ticularly well currently. * Renamed [[:cvar]] "rend-tex-filter-raw" to [[:rend-tex-filter-ui]]. * Removed [[:ccmd]] "smoothscr" - now unnecessary as the [[:cvar]] [[:rend-tex-filter-ui]] can be modified directly. ==== Win3... xes http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2804622&group_id=74815&atid=542099). ===== ... etch]]). * Statusbar (override: [[:cvar]] [[:rend-hud-nostretch]]). * Finale (override: [[:cva