Fulltext results:
- material_syntax
- mbiguous. ; Bottom/Side/Top map : Name of the light map to use when casting light in that direction. The //bottom// map is used for floor planes, the //top// map for cei... lt), the default linear falloff texture for round lights is used. Use ''-'' to disable the map entirely. (No light will then be cast in that dir... 0| Smart algorithm which selects a built-in flare map dynamically, according to the attributes of the light and relative position of the viewer. | | 1| [[htt... cross formation of [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_pillar|light pillars]]. | For example:<code>Flar
- light
- ==== Details ===== Doomsday is also able to use lightmaps in place of the standard light texture, this mak... om map = "" Side map = "" # Name of the light map to use. The top map is used for ceiling # planes, the bottom ma... ght texture # is used. Use "-" to disable a map entirely. No light will then be # cast in the direction. ... is a bias light source and not a dynamic # light. This tells doomsday which map the bias source is for Origin { 0.0 0.0 0.
- map_info_syntax
- p, in seconds. ==== Ambient light ==== Minimum light level (0-1) for all sectors in the map. Note that this will only change how the map is visualized - the actual sector light levels are unaffected. ==== Fog color R ==== Red color component (0-1) of the fog used in the map. ==== Fog color G ==== Green color component (0-1) of the fog used in the map. ==== Fog color B ==== Blue color component (0
- decoration
- = "" Side map = "" # Name of the light map to use. The top map is used for ceiling # planes, the bottom ... t # texture is used. Use "-" to disable a map entirely. No light # will then be cast in the direction. ... # Two integers (0-255) that mark the sector light levels where # the light is at zero and maximum brightness, respectively. # For example,
- reflection
- efault the resource is searched in the # LightMaps resource directory. The shiny map is mapped onto # reflecting surfaces using a mapping that resembles cylindrical # environment mapping. The dimensions of the map must be powers # of two, for example 128 x 64 or 32 x 128.
- sector_type_syntax
- identifying number (integer) for the sector type. Map editors use the id to refer to this sector type. ... **8** is specified, which, is the same as Doom's "Light Glows" sector type, then **this** sector type wil... ]] is set, otherwise the default friction for the map is used instead. ==== Gravity ==== Gravity in... g]] is set, otherwise the default gravity for the map is used instead. ==== Act tag ==== Activation
- flags_reference
- using decoration with external resources. ===== Lights ===== ==== nohalo ==== (Value = 0x100) Halos are disabled for this light. ==== dontturnhalo ==== (Value = 0x200) (NEW I... ta4) Disable viewangle rotation of halos for this light. ===== Map Info ===== ==== fog ==== (Value = 0x1) Enable fog in the map. ==== sphere ==== (Val
- generator_syntax
- Mobj = ""; Alt Mobj = ""; Damage Mobj = ""; Map = ""; Flags = flaga | flagb | flagc; Speed = ... inflictor (in the direction of the damage). ==== Map ==== Makes this a [[map triggered generator]]. The generator is spawned only in the specified map (e.g., "E2M3"). The [[#Center]] defines the spawn
- altering_and_copying_definitions
- Apply a weak green glow to Doom's nukage barrel. Light { State = "BAR1"; Flags = nohalo; Color { .... definition and add a subtle flicker effect. Copy Light { State = "BAR2"; Size = 0.22; } </code> ==... ==== Conditions (1.15 →) ==== Presently only [[map_info|Map Info]] definitions support conditions. An optional conditional expression can be used to ins
- sky
- ght = 0.666667; Horizon offset = 0.0; Light color { 1.0 1.0 1.0 }; Layer 1/2 ... his is used when referencing sky definitions from Map Info definitions. ==== Flags ==== ^ Name^ Des... egative angles move the horizon downwards. ==== Light color ==== RGB color. Outdoor areas will be tint