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- overview_of_resources_doomsday_1.x
- ion class. This number is always zero in Doom and Heretic. In Hexen, it's the player's class (0=Fighter, 1=... x number of the color translation table. Doom and Heretic have 4 tables, Hexen has 8. For example: //playa1... A lump containing a raw screen image (for example Heretic's TITLEPIC) is exactly 320 x 200 = 64000 bytes lo
- particle_generator_examples
- } } </code> ===== Particle Generators added to jHeretic teleporters ===== This is included as an exampl... umber of generators used. <code> #---PickleBro's Heretic Teleporter Particles #---inspired by BAM's Doom T
- jhrp
- The jHRP (jHeretic Resource Pack) is a collection of all the addons to improve the visual and audial aspects of Heretic. You can get it from the [[http://dengine.net/ad
- raw_screen
- A lump containing a raw screen image (for example Heretic's TITLEPIC) is exactly 320 x 200 = 64000 bytes lo