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assets:texture:particle [2016-10-29 10:52] – Created page with "''< [[Assets]]'' This article is about particle textures. These images are used when rendering individual particles created by particle generators. <source lang="ruby"> asse..." skyjakeassets:texture:particle [2017-03-19 07:49] (current) skyjake
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 +====== Particle texture asset ======
 +Particle texture images are used when rendering individual particles created by particle generators.
 +asset texture.particle.03 {
 +    path = "myparticle03.png"
 +===== Asset metadata =====
 +^ Variable^ Description |
 +| ''path''| Image file to use as the particle texture. |
 +===== Particle texture numbers =====
 +Doomsday 2.0 supports up to 300 different texture particles: 00-99, and 100-299. Note that there are no particle textures with a single digit number.
 +Use the [[generator_syntax:stage#Type]] flags for specifying which texture to use for a particle.