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Sector light (XG class)

Class = sector_light

Changes the light level and color of one or more sectors.


Prm Name Type Meaning
Ip0, Ip1 Target Ref,Target Num lsref Reference to the sectors whose type to change.
Ip2 Change Light Integer If non-zero, the light level of the sectors will be changed. Otherwise the light level won't be modified.
Ip3 Change Color Integer If non-zero, the light color of the sectors will be changed. Otherwise the color of the light won't be modified.
Ip4 Light Ref lightref Source of light level. To set the light level to an absolute value, set this to lightref_none and use Light Delta (Ip5) to specify the level.
Ip5 Light Delta Integer Offset to Ip4 [0…255].
Ip6 Color Ref lightref Source of light color. Only lightref_none , lightref_my and lightref_original can be used.
Ip7 Red Delta Integer Offset to the red component of sector light color [0…255].
Ip8 Green Delta Integer Offset to the green component of sector light color [0…255].
Ip9 Blue Delta Integer Offset to the blue component of sector light color [0…255].


Line Type {
  ID = 5041
  Flags = player_use
  Flags2 = when_act | any
  Class = sector_light
  Type = timed_off
  Count = -1
  Time = 0.5
  Act sound = "swtchn"
  Target Ref = "lpref_my_floor"
  Change Light = 1
  Light Ref = "lightref_current"
  Light Delta = -20