# # This manifest contains metadata for jDRP 1.01. # http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/deng/jdoom-resource-pack-1.01.zip?download # name: jDoom Resource Pack component: game-jdoom language english ( version: 1.01 summary: 3D models and special effects for jDoom contact: http://dengine.net/ author: Daniel Swanson et al. readme = "The jDoom Resource Pack represents many years' worth of work. Several people have contributed 3D models, skins and particle effects. <p>Note that <tt>jDRP.ded</tt> must be included within the addon package. Since this manifest is for the ZIP version of jDRP, the DED file is included by default." ) # Implicit options are always in effect if the addon is loaded. implicit load-options ( option: -file }Data/jDoom/jDRP.pk3 -def }Defs/jDoom/jDRP.ded )