====== Sound (XG class) ====== Class = sound Plays a sound in one or more sectors. ===== Parameters ===== ^ Prm^ Name^ Type^ Meaning | | Ip0,Ip1| Target Ref,Target Num| [[xg:refs:lsref]] | Reference to one or more sectors. These are the sectors in which the sound is to be played. | | Ip2| Sound ID| [[ded:Sound]] | Name of the sound to play. | | Ip3| Origin| Integer| If non-zero, play the sound from a specific origin within the referenced sector (1=floor, 2=ceiling) else play from the center. | ===== Example ===== Line Type { ID = 5026 Comment = "Play switch sound when player crosses line in the sector on the front side of the line" Class = sound Flags = player_cross Flags2 = when_act | any Count = 1 Target Ref = "lsref_my" Sound ID = "swtchn" } Creates a line which, when crossed, plays the switch sound (Sound ID = "swtchn") in the sector which is on the front of the line (Target Ref = "lsref_my").