====== Sector type (XG class) ====== Class = sector_type Changes the [[sector_type|type]] of one or more sectors. ===== Parameters ===== ^ Prm^ Name^ Type^ Meaning | | Ip0,Ip1| Target Ref,Target Num| [[xg:refs:lsref]] | Reference to the sectors whose type to change. | | Ip2| Sector Type| Integer| Sector type ID. Must be an [[xg:sector type]], or zero. | ===== Examples ===== Line Type { ID = 5071 Flags = player_use Flags2 = when_act | any Class = sector_type Type = timed_off Time = 1 Count = -1 Target Ref = "lpref_line_tagged_floors" Sector Type = 0 } When activated, all sectors whose tag is equal to that of the line being activated will have their sector type set to zero (removed).