====== Key (XG class) ====== Class = key Gives keys to or takes them from the activator, who must be a player. ===== Parameters ===== ^ Prm^ Name^ Type^ Meaning | | Ip0| Give Keys| Integer| Bitfield of the keys to give. Bit 1 (0x1) corresponds key 1, bit 2 (0x2) key 2, etc. | | Ip1| Take Keys| Integer| Bitfield of the keys to take away. | ===== Example ===== Line Type { ID = 5006 Comment = "Give the red key to the activator when use" Flags = player_use Flags2 = when_act | any Class = key Count = 1 Time = 1 Give Keys = 1 } The line is triggered when the player "uses" the line (Flags = player_use). The line is active in any skill mode and any game type (Flags2 = any) and the line carries out it's action when active (Flags2 = when_act). The line can only be triggered once (Count = 1). When activated, the line gives the activator the red key (Ip0 = 1).