{{cleanup}} This article gives you an overview of the [[snowberry]] user interface and its basic functionality, introducing the launcher to new users. When you [[installation|installed]] [[doomsday]], the installer added a Snowberry icon to your desktop. Double-clicking this icon will start Snowberry. The first time you run Snowberry, a [[setup_wizard|wizard]] dialog will guide you through the basic configuration options. These include the [[display_resolution]] you prefer to use when running Doomsday and the location of the [[required_game_data_file]]s (the [[iwad]]s). ====== Overview of the user interface ====== The user interface is divided into six different areas: * [[title_area]]: On the top of the UI; indicates the selected profile. This area can be [[hiding_the_title_area|hidden]]. * [[profile_area]]: On the left side; here you can choose from installed [[profile]]s or the [[defaults_profile]]. * [[command_area]]: At the bottom; contains the [[play_button]]. * [[help_area]]: On the right; offers on-screen help for the currently open tab and the selected settings. The contents of the [[help_area]] change dynamically to suit the current situation and your actions. It lists the main actions that you can take. The [[help_area]] can be [[hiding_the_help_area|hidden]]. * [[tabs_area]]: In the middle of the window; contains the tabs [[summary_tab]], [[maps_tab]], [[addons_tab]], and [[settings_tab]]. Let's quickly discuss what you can see. * Top left: Defaults Tab. This tab will set the global settings for the games you have. So for instance you set the resolution to 1600x1200 in here and all the games will run at. * Left: The actual games you have. You can click on them to edit their individual properties and preferences or to select them to play them. * Bottom left - + (plus), - (minus) and dup (duplicate) buttons: Here you can add, remove or duplicate additional games once you aquire them. * Middle section: This is where the sub-tabs are located and where you will change your settings. * Right section: General info about Snowberry etc. Let's look at the "Defaults" Tab. The sub-tabs it has available are called Summary, Maps, Addons and Settings. ====== Summary tab ====== This tab presents a [[profile]]-specific summary about [[loaded_addons]] (like the [[j_drp|jDoom Resource Pack]], and customized [[settings]]. It also has general information about the [[profile]] and tells the display resolution. ====== Maps tab ====== This show any additional [[wad]]s that you have on your system if you've specified their [[addon_folder|folder]] during the installation. ====== Addons tab ====== All [[addon]]s compatible with the [[current_profile]] and their contents are listed here in a [[addon_tree|tree hierarchy]] grouped by their category (graphics, sound etc.). You are able to [[how_to_install_an_addon|install]] and [[how_to_uninstall_an_addon|uninstall addons]] to the tree and change their settings and loading order as well. These actions are done by the +, -, [[settings_button]], or [[load_order_button]] or via the context menu. ====== Settings tab ====== //See also:// [[settings_tab]] This is the tab where you will spend the most of your time. Here you change the actual engine settings, like display, graphic and sound options. If you want you can also add some [[command_line_option]]s here. The Settings tab shows the [[setting]]s connected to the [[current_profile]]. They are in a list grouped by their category. On this tab, in addition to managing profile settings, you can re-run the [[setup_wizard|wizard]] for basic settings, set the [[snowberry_language|language]] of the UI. You also have an option to leave [[snowberry]] running in the [[closing_snowberry_when_playing|background]] while [[starting_a_game|playing a game]]. When the [[defaults_profile]] is selected you can change the [[default_settings]] for all [[profile]]s. While it is selected, the [[play_button]] is inactive. The settings groups called Snowberry, a group for every [[addon]] that is selected for loading in the [[current_profile]], and the game-specific settings groups have now appeared. Let's look at each sub-tab. ===== Snowberry ===== In this tab it is possible to change your language option, whether you want Snowberry to quit or not when you run the game, add additional folders to load addons from and change some user interface option. Please note that some of them require a restart of Snowberry to take effect. ===== Display ===== Here you select which renderer you would like to use for the Doomsday Engine. There are 2 option. OpenGL and Direct3D. Select whichever your graphics card does fastest. You also get to select the resolution that you want to play the game at. The resolution has a huge impact on performance, so be realistic when you select this. The colour depth can be 16bit or 32bit. 32bit being better, albeit slower. You can select the option to run the game in a window if you need to as well. Note that if you select to run the game in a window or select Direct3D as your renderer, extra option become available to use. ===== Graphics tab ===== Here you can adjust some graphic settings that influence how the Doomsday Engine handles graphics in the game. ===== Sound tab ===== This is where you select which driver is to render your sound to your speakers. You can even select not to render any sound at all. You can set the number of channels that the Engine can use to play sounds simultaneously, from 4 to 32, the default being 16. There are also options for disabling audio, sfx, music, setting the primary buffer and FMOD ( a plugin that allows you to play external file formats ). It also has EAX options which can be set. ===== Input tab ===== Here you can set whether you'd like your Windows keys, mouse or joystick disabled. ===== Developer tab ===== Here you set whether you want verbose messages displayed or not. You get to select which level of messages you get. There is also a space to add custom parameters that will be passed to the relevant exe ( ??? ). ===== Addons tab ===== This shows your added addons. ====== See also ====== * [[starting_a_game]]