This Doomsday [[plugin]] performs the task of translating [[dehacked_patch]]es into Doomsday-native [[ded]] definitions. While most [[dehacked_patch]] features are available, any unsupported features are detected and will result in warnings being logged (and if enabled, [[alert]]s). ====== Usage ====== Say you have the [[dehacked_patch]] //infiniteammo.deh// in your [[runtime_directory]], it can be loaded with the [[-deh]] ([[command_line_option]]) when first launching a [[game_session]] during startup: -deh infiniteammo.deh ===== Automatic loading ===== Lumps named //DEHACKED// in [[wad|.wad files]] will be automatically applied when the //.wad// itself is loaded. Normally only the last //DEHACKED// lump loaded will be applied when two or more lumps with that name are found (perhaps in multiple //.wad// files). However, the [[-alldehs]] ([[command_line_option]]) can be used to instruct Doomsday to apply them all, in the order in which they are found.