====== Auto load folders (Doomsday 1.x) ======
There are two special //auto load folders// that can be used to automatically load data files and [[DED]] definitions.
Mod makers can use this feature to auto-load any definitions or resources their mod requires from within a container. This is the recommended way to package your mod but it is also possible to install files directly into these "auto load" folders. See [[containers]] for information on how to use this feature in containers.
These folders are:
All WAD, PK3, ZIP and LMP (Lump) files placed in the **Data\[Game]\Auto\** directory will be automatically loaded at startup. The data files are loaded in alphabetical order, including all the subdirectories of the Auto directory.
All DED files placed in the **Defs\[Game]\Auto\** directory will be automatically read at startup. The definition files are also loaded in alphabetical order, including all the subdirectories of the Auto directory.
Virtual files (from a PK3 or a WAD) in the Auto directories will also be loaded.
Putting your mod into a container and populating the virtual file system with files from your container is the recommended way to package your Doomsday mod.
===== See also =====
* [[fs:lump assembly]]