Table of Contents

Version 1.9.7

The first stable release of the 1.9 series.

Source GitHub


This release is an important milestone in the project's history. We have made great improvements to our development practices and project infrastructure, allowing us to provide weekly unstable builds and more frequent stable releases.


Other important notes:

Completed roadmap items


If you are upgrading an existing installation of Doomsday, note the following:

Updating configs

The default location of game and player configs has changed. Configs are now stored within subdirectories of the runtime directory with the following scheme:

If you wish to continue to use configs created by an earlier version of Doomsday you will need to manually copy them to their new home (otherwise new configs will be generated automatically).

Player controls

There have been changes to the default control bindings. We recommend resetting your old bindings with the following console command:

clearbindings; defaultbindings


Hosting a game

Only dedicated_servers are supported. You can start one on your own system via the Doomsday Frontend. In dedicated mode, the engine only shows a text mode console window. Presently you must use the console to configure the server and start the game.

For instance, the following would set up a deathmatch without monsters in E1M5:

server-game-deathmatch 1
server-game-nomonsters 1
setmap 1 5

Note that you can set up a .cfg file where you can define the server configuration and automatically open the server (see the example here).

If your server is not public (server-public), a client can connect to the dedicated server using a custom address search:

Public online games

The deng_team is currently running a public_multiplayer_server for the purpose of developing the network code further. When joining these online games, please note the following:

See also