This article lists the important changes in [[version:doomsday_version_1.10]]. ====== Fixed bugs ====== ===== Gameplay ===== * Savegame: Interpretation error deserializing material archive version #0. * Savegame: Interpretation error deserializing invalid material references. * XG: Broken material change line types which specify the material in their definition. * XG: Broken line types (using [[:lref_line_tagged|line_tagged]] references). * XG: Intermittent read access violation. * Heretic: Errant Firemace spawning/repositioning. * Hexen: Missing map cluster ending intermissions (e.g., after Seven Portals). * Hexen|[[:in_fine]]: [[ded:infine_script_reference#Commands|"If" conditions]] for checking player class were malfunctioning. ===== Multiplayer ===== * Player's weapon disappears after completing a map and beginning another. * Kill, item, and secret counts during (co-op) intermission: the server was not sending the map's total kill, item and secret counts, which meant the client was unable to calculate the proper statistics. * Assign the first start spot to the first client (player number 1), instead of player number 0 like in single-player games. * Sounds emitted by wall surfaces (e.g., when triggering a switch). The network protocol was updated to include a new type of message for these sounds (making old clients incompatible with new servers). * Client's view color filter is appropriately cleared when connecting to a server. * Heretic|Hexen: Torch powerup is now rendered correctly on the client. * Heretic|Hexen: Status bar life gem colors did not match the actual player colors. * Heretic: Server defaults to E1M1 ({{:var|server-game-map}} = 0). * Heretic: Activating the Wings of Wrath in multiplayer did not cause player to raise into air. * Hexen: Client was not notified when a key was picked up; status bar not updated on client-side. * Hexen: When server restores a player's weapons during respawn, it will now inform the client of the newly activated weapon. Previously the client displayed the incorrect weapon. * Hexen: Some of Cleric's and Mage's weapon effects were being duplicated on client. * Hexen: Sound sequences were not being played (e.g., door creak, moving platforms). ===== Renderer ===== * Console: GL_TEXTURE stack underflow with {{:var|con-background-turn}}. * Control Panel: Mouse cursor drawn when mouse not trapped. * Bias Lighting: Inconsistent light source color => wall surface attribution. * Map: Fatal error with {{:var|rend-tex}} = 2. * Map: Fatal error with {{:var|rend-dev-mobj-bbox}}. * Map: "Missing" material not always assigned. ===== Resources ===== * Definitions: [[:dd_defns]] lumps in Wads not processed. * Erroneous repeated percent-encoding of [[:resource_uris|resource URIs]] in [[:in_fine]] scripts. * Hexen: Added values.ded, with [[:values]] defined for the amount of mana to be given to players when they respawn in multiplayer games. * Unix: File paths are processed so that Windows path separators are changed to Doomsday's internal separators. Fixes issues locating files inside resource packs. ===== Snowberry ===== * Load configured initial language before setting up UI. * Retranslate list box columns when language changes. ====== New features and changes ====== * Any transition from busy mode (e.g., loading a map) to gameplay no longer forces game time to be frozen. Instead, the {{:var|game-pause-mapstart-tics}} variable controls how long the game is paused at the start of a map (by default, in Doom, it matches the busy mode transition effect's duration). ===== Audio ===== * Increased maximum number of sound channels to 256 (from 64), e.g., {{:arg|sfxchan}} 256. ===== Materials ===== * [[:id_tech_1|id Tech 1]] texture/flat animations are interpreted as animated [[:material]] layer stages (rather than sequences of single-frame materials). * Context specific animation states, allowing multiple versions of a material to animate independently (e.g., despite the game being [[:pause|paused]], the version of a material used for UI displays will continue). * Stage animation mechanism for light decorations that works independently from layer stages (allowing each decoration to be animated with it's own timing). ====== Contributors ====== * [[|Vermil]]: Candidate testing and MP bug reporting. * [[|Massimo Pizzolente Leuzzi]]: Italian translation for Snowberry.