====== Running Doomsday 1.x in Unix ====== This article contains tips about running [[doomsday]] in a Unix-like environment. ====== Loading addons ====== If you prefer to launch the game from the [[command_line]] or using a custom shell script, there are two ways you can load [[pk3]]s and [[wad]]s: * Use the special automatic resource directories. You have two options: the user-specific [[auto_directory]], or the system-wide [[auto_directory]]. * The user-specific [[auto_directory]] is located in the [[runtime_directory]]. The [[userdir_option_]] defines the [[runtime_directory]]. By default, the current directory is used. * Let's say you have installed [[doomsday]] into the directory PREFIX. You will find the subdirectory **share/deng/Data/** under PREFIX. If you have a [[resource_pack]] for [[j_doom]], placing it into the system-wide [[auto_directory]] **PREFIX/share/deng/Data/jDoom/Auto/** will cause it to be automatically loaded when any user starts [[j_doom]]. (Note the capital "A" in "Auto".) * Use the [[file_option_]] when you start [[doomsday]]. If you e.g. have the resource pack **~/mydir/model.pk3**, just use -file ~/mydir/model.pk ====== Starting the game ====== The [[snowberry]] launcher is [[installation|available for Linux]]. If you prefer launching from the [[command_line]], I recommend creating your own startup scripts for [[j_doom]], [[j_heretic]] and [[j_hexen]]. In them, you can specify any command line options you wish to use. Below is a simple example. #!/bin/sh if [ -d ~/.deng ]; then /bin/true; else mkdir ~/.deng; fi /usr/local/bin/doomsday -game jdoom -file ~/wads/doom.wad -userdir ~/.deng the [[runtime_directory]] **~/.deng** will be created automatically by this script if it does not exist. All [[savegame]] files, [[message_log]]s and other such files will be stored in this directory. The default location for the doomsday executable is **/usr/local/bin**, but that can be changed by providing your own prefix for the configure script (see [[compilation_with_cmake]]). ====== Running a dedicated server ====== You can give the option //--without-opengl// to the configure script if you don't want to compile the [[open_gl_renderer_plugin]] at all. Start the game as you normally would, but use the [[dedicated_option_]]. This will make [[doomsday]] run in a text-only console mode. //See also:// [[dedicated_server]] ====== MIDI music ====== [[doomsday]] can play [[midi_music]] using a program of your choosing. The environment variable [[deng_midi_cmd_env_]] determines the command that will be used when starting playback of a [[midi_music]] file. I recommend using MIDI only with sound cards that have hardware support for playing MIDI music (e.g., SB Live). Otherwise, it is advisable to just disable music playback with [[nomusic_option_]]. For example, the [[deng_midi_cmd_env_]] environment variable could be set like this: export DENG_MIDI_CMD="aplaymidi -p 65:0" The default program for MIDI playback is **timidity**. Note, however, that music playback may become choppy since timidity plays music entirely in software. It is best to experiment with different timidity settings (e.g., buffering and process niceness) if you would like to reduce any artifacts in software music playback. ====== glBSP ====== Beginning with [[version_1_8.1]], [[doomsday]] can generate [[gl_bsp_data]] automatically. It is no longer necessary to run [[gl_bsp]] separately on your WADs. However, if you need it, you can get glBSP from http://glbsp.sourceforge.net/.